Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 4 - Monday

What a wonderful day we have had! We began this morning at Baptist Temple Church. We had three teams: music (for the church's summer music production), painting, and demolition. Each team had it's particular set of blessings and challenges. But, for all teams, these kids worked HARD! And the stories they tell! It's wonderful to see the kids becoming closer to each other and God through this work!

After getting changed, we traveled to New Forest Estates for lunch and a concert. They were so sweet to provide lunch for us! The room was a little warm, but the kids loved the concert because the audience was wonderful! They are really enjoying singing with each other! They are also becoming more and more comfortable with speaking to those in attendance. I love hearing the kids talk about the people they met at the concert!

Our second concert was at Morningside Ministries. There was a little bit of deja vu going on as it looked a LOT like a facility we sang at in Chicago. One of my favorite parts of the concert was when one of our girls was singing a solo. As we walked into the facility we were able to hear the occasional chirping of a bird. When our soloist began... "Talk about a child who do love Jesus, here's one...", the bird began to sing with her. It was absolutely beautiful. It was as if this creature of God's was saying "Here's one, too!" Again, the residents were fantastic. Several, including staff members, said we were the best youth choir that had sung there. What a compliment! They were also kind enough to have refreshments ready for us after our "meet and greet" session.

Tonight we ate at Bill Miller Barbeque. Several of our youth were surprised to learn that Texas "BBQ" isn't the same is North Carolina BBQ. Then, it was back to the hotel for some much needed play time! Pool time and chatting in the hallways were the favorite pastimes.

Devotions were led by several of the girls from Marion who spoke wonderfully about how stressful mission work can be and the need for flexibility. Then, the kids have a chance to share of their experiences of the day. I wish you could be there to hear how excited they are about making a difference in people's lives. Kendell shared with us that at the second concert, one man was visiting his wife in the medical part of the facility where they had just received some bad news. He left her room and could hear us singing. He came and stayed for the rest of the concert, and shared with Kendell we would never know how much that meant to him. One of the pieces we sang for him was "Be Not Afraid" which includes the following:

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.
When you pass through the floods, they will not sweep o'er your.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be consumed.
You are mine, you are precious in my sight.

How appropriate.

Enjoy the pictures!